Payment Methods

The available payment methods are mainly based on the country where the order is from and the total amount on the bill. 

white and blue magnetic card

Credit/Debit card

Your credit/debit card will automatically be charged by our financial service provider. Your order will begin processing after all necessary verifications have been completed. 

a phone with a pay pay logo on it


We’re pleased to inform you that we support secure and convenient payments through PayPal. This means you can easily and quickly complete your purchases using your trusted PayPal account, providing you with a safer and more convenient shopping experience. 

1 U.S.A dollar banknotes


When shopping on our website, payments will be processed in USD. If your credit/debit card company or bank uses a different currency, the final transaction price may differ due to currency exchange rates. Please contact your payment provider for further information. 

*Payment/cash on delivery (purchase order) isn’t possible at mimishopio. 


We are working hard to connect more payment methods. Any further updates will be reflected on this page.